Friday, April 07, 2006

why stop working just cos you need the loo......?

“ I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. ”- Galatians 2:20

A question has been raised about whether or not there is a difference between a believer, a Christian and a disciple.

Consider the following:

1. What does it mean to be saved?
2. Can we ever be sure of our salvation?
3. How well do we have to know Jesus before we should give our lives to Him and encourage others to do so?
4. Once someone proclaims the Lordship of Jesus in their lives are they saved?
5. Where is the balance between discipline, personal sacrifice and grace?
6. Can you lose your salvation?
7. There were many people who believed who Jesus was but were they disciples?
8. What is the definition of a disciple?
9. Can you be a disciple if you can't read the bible, don't know the Holy Spirit or don't go to church?
10. (for good measure) Why does it seem to be more hard core to being a disciple rather than a Chrsitian?
11. If you want to be a disciple are you therefore a disciple?

Now the following are things I'm fairly sure I know:

1. Jesus told his disciples to go and make disciples of all nations.
2. When Peter preached (Acts 2) thousands believed and were added to there numbers.
3. The parable of the talents suggests we should invest what we have been given by God, but if we have'nt been given much we can't invest much (but that 'talent' is still to be invested).
4. Blessed are the poor, the hungry, the mourners, the merciful etc
5. Paul taught about the complete transformation of mind and spirit through Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
6. Believing in Jesus, who he is, what he's done is good.....but there is more
7. The devil believes who Jesus is but he does not submit to him (unless you remind him about when happens in Revelation.)
8. You have discipleship training schools but not Chritianship training schools (or are those churches?)
9. Jesus will tell you he never knew you if you don't do the will of the Father
10. The gate is narrow and few will pass through
11. There are many different types of people: people who have rejected Jesus, people who believe Jesus existed, people who have never been told the truth about Jesus, people who once gave thier lives to Jesus and have since taken parts of it back, people who are all about what you have to do for your salvation rather than who you have to be, and people that are just trying to figure it all out and are not sure where that putsthem on the beliver-disciple spectrum (if there is one!) That's me by the way.

Any thoughts?


Blogger Naomi said...

my first thought is that you are one wise lady! if you ever fancy developing a preaching/teaching ministry you will definitely be invited to 'my' church! you are definitely right to point out that lot's of people, including the devil 'believe in' Jesus

my second thought is that as long as we have really grasped that we are saved and sanctified by grace and not by works, we won't be able to help ourselves but respond, and continue to struggle to respond as disciples of our saviour...

not sure it that really helps!

April 07, 2006 7:14 pm  
Blogger Catherine said...

it does thanks Naomi

April 08, 2006 8:21 pm  
Blogger dan said...

the first thoughts that come to mind (which means i haven't thought them through & am therefore likely to change my opinion in half an hour):
2. not really, but you just believe it cos the bible says so & you haven't got anything else to go on.
3. as well enough that you want to give your life/encourage others to
4. yes
5. grace doesn't just mean you don't have to engage with discipline/sacrifice; rather, it means you can
6. probably. look at king saul.
7. depends on your definition of a disciple.
8. i think the general definition is a christian merely believes Jesus is the son of God, while disciples actively seek to grow in their relationship with him (obviously allowing for 'desert times' when you struggle in your faith)
9. if you know/have access to those things but choose not to, probably not. but if you don't, then yes.
10. see 8
11. if you actually do something about it, rather than it being a nice idea but you can't be arsed, then yes.

3. you can always invest much, cos you can invest 100%

April 12, 2006 1:04 pm  
Blogger Catherine said...

I'm liking the answer to no.5!!

I would also have said exactly the same as you a month or so ago with the answers but I have been challenged to really consider if it is acceptable to separate Christian from Disciple.....or not

April 13, 2006 12:43 pm  
Blogger dan said...

true - it makes it a bit elitist i suppose. but then i guess the point isn't about being able to differentiate between those who are & aren't, but about 'making' peope who want to seek God, rather than people who simply believe in God. maybe? not that i'm that bothered really.

April 13, 2006 4:42 pm  

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