Friday, October 29, 2004

Friday Review.....

This was the week that:

I went part-time at work now only need to grind my nose on a stone for 20hours a week

I heard the saddest news for a long time, John Peel died. I think its sad because it didn't seem like he was ready to go....

I spent 2 hours doing work in the very nice new Starbucks in Sheffield

I saw a crazy assed film called "Saved!" V good. V funny if not a little cringy but hey just made it funnier!

I had a baking fest (in a scary kind of nesting way) making pumpkin pie and toffee apple flap jacks

Friday, October 22, 2004


the nations favourite biscuit? My current indulgence is chocolate covered malted milks!

Friday, October 15, 2004


Favourite joke in the whole world, so far, is, "there are 10 types of people in the world. Those that understand binary and those that don't."

Wednesday, October 13, 2004


I am a totally faddy (and perhaps shallow - see Val Austens comment) person. If it's not 24, it's Spooks or Cutting It or Harry Potter, and now the fava of the month is Buffy. I love Buffy. She's great. She's my heroine. She kicks evils ass!

Monday, October 11, 2004

90's Hall of Fame.....

I had a very enjoyable evening last night watching the 90's (music) Hall of Fame, viewers were asked to vote for their favourite band of the 90's from the following ten: Oasis, Robbie Williams, Blur, Red Hot Chillie Peppers, Missy Elliott, Dr Dre., The Spice Girls, Radiohead, Prodigy and Nirvana.

How can one choose? I can eliminate; Robbie Williams, Red Hot Chillie Peppers, Missy Elliott, The Spice Girls, Prodigy. Then if pushed I can say Blur instead of Oasis, which leaves: Blur, Dr Dre., Radiohead and Nirvana.

Dr Dre., Radiohead and Nirvana are all artists that now I think were great but not massivley aware of in the 90's. However, Blur was a big favourite of mine from "there's no other way" to Modern Life is Rubbish, Parklife and the Great Escape. However the more recent stuff hasn't really done it for me, where as Dr Dre. has produced and is still producing things that I really like. Radiohead are legends but thier music has conitations of teenage angst that I would really rather leave in 1999. Nirvana again I know are/were legends but personally I never got into their stuff until it was a bit late, however, Smells Like Teen Spirit is a top, top t-u-ooon and they should be recognised for that track alone (Jamie Theakston happens to agree with me on that one too.....ahhh aother idol from my happless 90's days).