Monday, February 21, 2005


now, i'tle ve noticed that folks are quite vulnerable on their blogs so in an attempt to try and be a little bit more interesting i'll post a little bit more of me....

yesterday i saw Fisrt Daughter and i cried. I didn't cry when i saw million dollar baby even though it was incredibly tragic (making me think i might be dead inside) but i did with this rather poor cheesy movie. The main thing that got me choked up was the scene with Katie Holmes and her Dad. Her Dad is the President of America but they have this incredibly intimate and close relationship there is one particular scene where they are eating cake together in the middle of the night that made me long for that kind of relationship. I neither have it or had it with my earthly father (although as Dads go he's okay) but what upset me the most was i dont even have that with God. Even though i've been persuing it for so long i'm still so far away - i guess its coz unlike the presidents daughter just knowing this guy all her life as Dad rather than the president, i've always known God as the president and not as my Dad.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

crunchy nut clusters....

someone has just emailed me and asked whats going on with me and clusters, here is part of my reply, i think its quite telling and i didnt realise this was how i felt until i started typing...

so at the moment I am clusterless – this is okay for the right now but also a bit lonely – I’m sure God has a plan for me....maybe he wants me to get so desperate for a small group/cluster that when i finally get accepted into another one I’ll never complain about it would be nice to have a group of people who are committed to support me and pray for me and sound stuff off as well as get excited about God and His kingdom (and of course I'm there to return the favour) anyway who knows whats just round the corner....

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

brits 25

so the brit awards are as old as me. I finally got to see them late last night and thoroughly enjoyed it. Even though I knew who won most of the awards it didn't stop me crying when they did win (that could have been something to do with PMT...I don't know). Thank you Jesus for leading Daniel Bedingfield to the hairdressers and a razor! But i do wonder why Chris Evans had to have that little quip with Billie about going for chips and dreams to coming true - what was that about?!

oh my goodness....

after a lot of procrastination and trying to borrow it before i bought it, i finally took a chance and got the new Killers album with my grocery budget at tescos. and oh my goodness it totally rocks. I actually danced about in the kitchen as soon as it started and made doing the washing the most fun ever!

Thursday, February 03, 2005

back from the pub...

[summary of a rather long and pointless post]

1. i have 20 letters in my whole name
2. i have all the vowles in my name
3. i'm looking for someone will all the letters of "the alphabet" in theirs.
4. the only reason i've posted this is that i never realised it before
4. man, i'm so rock and roll.

the shortest and most pointless blog ever.....
