"So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. ”- Colossians 2:6-7
The hmmmm is because I am not impressed with the Internet security at work. They have decided to categorise ttai as a chat website and therefore ban it! They've also installed some other security thing that disables the sign in button from the blogspot homepage so i cant even update my own blog at work. However it may have been the kick up the bum I needed to sort myself out with internet at home - and here it is!
Thankfulness seems to be a bit topical at the moment. I took my Granny to church on sunday and Mark b talked on thankfulness and she really enjoyed it. She said it wsa an extremely relevant and helpful ermon and she wished her friend Janet had been there as well as my uncle Phil - there's an evangelist in her just waiting to get out!
Be thankful for eveything - to God ultimately but also to others. Thank your parents for their parenting (the good bits anyway), thank your teachers for teaching you, thank your employers for giving you access to the Internet albeit limited! Thank God for health, for breath, for life. Being thankful makes you generous.
The hmmmm is because I am not impressed with the Internet security at work. They have decided to categorise ttai as a chat website and therefore ban it! They've also installed some other security thing that disables the sign in button from the blogspot homepage so i cant even update my own blog at work. However it may have been the kick up the bum I needed to sort myself out with internet at home - and here it is!
Thankfulness seems to be a bit topical at the moment. I took my Granny to church on sunday and Mark b talked on thankfulness and she really enjoyed it. She said it wsa an extremely relevant and helpful ermon and she wished her friend Janet had been there as well as my uncle Phil - there's an evangelist in her just waiting to get out!
Be thankful for eveything - to God ultimately but also to others. Thank your parents for their parenting (the good bits anyway), thank your teachers for teaching you, thank your employers for giving you access to the Internet albeit limited! Thank God for health, for breath, for life. Being thankful makes you generous.