Wednesday, November 29, 2006

going for a song....

well the adventures just keep coming....

sun - first visit to a carboot sale to buy shabby chic objet d'art for my pad - I picked up the following:
Tapestry poof - £5
Mirror/shelf - £5
Sewing-box-seat-laundry basket - £3
wooden bin - £6
Tapestry cushion cover- £2

mon - 1st monday morning I've walked to work for over 4 years.

tue - Christmas shopping in Cardiff - and bought my first ever pair of black knee high boots and saw Paolo Nutini at Cardiff Uni (see flickr photos).

wed - recieved my first ever fridge/freezer and freaked about how big it is! (kinda dominates the kitchen).

Thursday, November 23, 2006

possoms and poo

The thing I discovered yesterday was that IKEA doesn't have to be hell on earth. At its best it could even be a little bit of heaven.

When I went a couple of weeks ago it was a sunday afternoon - big mistake - the entire population of the south west was in Bristol IKEA. I bought way too much stuff and mostly out of panic. When I went yesterday it was the afternoon again but this time - there was pleanty of space to park, pleanty of space to walk around with a trolley and to turn it if I needed to.

I also have to give it up to Ethan Keeper for being the most chilled out and content, nearly-three-year-old in the whole of IKEA. Well done boy-o.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Well, well, well....

adventure n. 1. an exciting or dangerous experience. 2. willingness to take risks, the spirit of adventure.

The most exciting thing that happened yesterday was that my Mum made me a hot toddy of scotch, hot water, honey and a slice of lemon, to help aleviate some virus-like symptoms. It was a scrummy drink and it made me feel loads better!

So far today I've not had too much of an adventure but I have discovered that the managers of Fopp have decided to embark on an adventure (in the sense of taking risks) by opening a Fopp in Gloucester city centre! It is the best news I've heard for a long while and gives me more and more hope for City. I think it is particularly cool that they 've chosen Gloucester over Cheltenham!

Monday, November 20, 2006

pease pudding....don't ask

This morning I was considering the concept of adventures. Having unpacked most of my bits and pieces and positioned them around my flat I was thinking about how nearly all the 'cool' stuff is from the various countries that I have visited. I think that a lot of people think I have been on a lot of adventures but I think that maybe I've just had lots of great holidays.

Whilst in New York I kept a journal/scrap book as I wanted to capture every second of this prticular 'adventure'. I do seem to be hungry for adventures all the time and am only living for the next adventure.

I thought that I might experiment with the concept that every day could be an adventure and that there must be something I experience each day that is worthy of remembering or making note of....

I'm going to give it a go and see what happens any way - I very much hope the experiment is successful otherwise I might start to get a bit depressed.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

ethical addictions

I have started a new feature on the right-hand-side of my blog. A set of links to businesses that are trying to make a difference in an unscruplulous world....but quite legitimately at the same time trying to make some money.

This new section was predominately started in aid of helping my friends the founders of ethical addictions in the uk to up their rankings on google.

So if you (being anyone in the world who happens to be reading this) have ethical addictions to caffine have a look at this site and think about purchasing some cwoffee from them.

Hope this helps chaps!

Friday, November 10, 2006


“God's voice thunders in marvelous ways; he does great things beyond our understanding. He says to the snow, 'Fall on the earth,' and to the rain shower, 'Be a mighty downpour.”- Job 37:5-6

God certainly does do things beyond our understanding, I often think it is with hindsight that we say they were great.

Unfortunately how and why it snows or rains is not as big a mystery as it was to the writer of Job but there are still many things in nature we can't explain.

We have an appointment with the Holy Spirit on Sunday evening and I'm really looking forward to it.

These are nature sculptures by Andy Goldsworthy. I don't know why but I am feeling very moved every time I see amazing peices of art at the moment.....

Thursday, November 09, 2006

two by two...

I had one of those really bad days summary:

1. Went from Cheltenham to Gloucester (10miles) to collect laptop and projector for 10am meeting back in Cheltenham.
2. Laptop takes 30mins to get working. Eats into meeting time and is very embarrassing.
3. Get back to car 12pm to return projector to Gloucester for 2pm meeting to find back tyre is flat.
4. Wait 1 and a half hours for RAC to come and mend it (tried myself but bolts were too tight)
5. Had car booked in for MOT and had to carry laptop and projector from garage in town to work hurrying to get there for 2pm.
6. Get to office for 1.45pm (bloody miracle - thank you God)
7. Car fails MOT
8. Wheels had to come off car, handbrake and wheels re-aligned, lights re-aligned and wiper blade replaced. Car finally passes MOT (thank you God)
9. Ended up getting home at 9pm and someone having a go at me for going to New York and not taking time off to sort out my flat (really still do not understand arguement for this) but after such a day I did not need to get into a pointless arguement and be made to feel as shitty as I did. So thank you God (again) that I do have somewhere to move to and giving me the kick up the butt I needed to move there quicker than I had been planning on moving!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

mundane morning

I'm back from Oz. It seems appropriate to say that because it was such an amazing place and totaly exceeded expectation which is wierd cause that doesn't happen often. I didn't want to come home (which is unlike Oz I spose). The pictures below are just a tiny sampler of what I took and mostly about the gigs i've been to. The first obviously being Razorlight (in Sheffield):

The next lot are of the Killers who were AWESOME really fabulous live and the venue was way smaller than I thought it would be so I could see alot more than I thought I would....

I only saw a few of the main sights in NY. I wasn't really big on the old sightseeing - felt like I was only doing it so I could tell others that, "yes, I have been up the Statue of Liberty" or "yes, the Empire State Building is really big isn't it?". Most time was spent wandering the streets looking for interesting things to do or nice coffee shops to sit in.... anyway here are a few of the more recognisable sights (Times Square and Central Park) Maybe I'll workout this flickr thing so they can all be uploaded....